Health coaching is the new life coaching that involves functional nutrition and personalized protocols that include the psychological and the emotional aspects of life. By using an effective and proven coaching process that works for everyone, a health coach can help get to the root cause of a individual’s “dis-ease” and unhappiness. Through education and engaging clients as active participants in the process, a health coach will support and help you live a fuller and more fulfilling life.
Could health coaching be for you? If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you will benefit from my guidance and support!
Do you:
- Need help managing your nutrition, whether it be a medical concern, or you just want to improve your eating habits?
- Want to lose weight?
- Feel tired all the time/ struggle with low energy?
- Have strong sugar cravings?
- Feel drained from toxic relationships?
- Sacrifice your own needs to care for others?
- Sleep poorly?
- Have difficulty managing stress or suffer from anxiety?
- Have poor digestion?
- Struggling with an autoimmune disorder(s)?
- Want to feel great in your body and improve self-esteem, self-confidence and find inner peace?
What to Expect
Clients learn how to:
- To achieve and maintain a healthy weight and healthy body.
- Incorporate healthy foods, self care techniques, and stress management tools.
- Improve personal relationships and interpersonal communication.
- Discover the confidence to listen to your body and to create the life you want.
This is a completely guilt free approach to health and wellness. You can expect your coach to be non-judgmental, encouraging, honest, reliable, and to develop a strong coach/client relationship.
Health Coaching Packages
Personalized Nutrition/Wellness Consultation
Initial Visit (90 minutes) – $90
Single Session (60 minute session) – $75
(can be done via phone, Zoom, or in person)
Life & Health Transformation Packages
5 Sessions (45 minute follow-up sessions) – $300
10 Sessions (45 minute follow-up sessions) – $600
(based on individual needs and can be done via phone, Zoom, or in person)
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