What does gut health have to do with marshmallow?
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) is so much more that that wonderful campfire treat we enjoyed as children, or even still today in our hot cocoa. Marshmallow, whose Greek name, Althainean, means “to heal”, is an ancient herb used by ancient Greek and Egyptian healers. They used the flowers and leaves in salads to support healthy gut and digestion. The plant creates a secretion, known as mucilage, from its roots and stems. It was used to keep the skin soft, treat sore throats, and ease congestion. Modern holistic practitioners use Marshmallow Root (aka “mallow”) for these purposes and in treatment preparations for:
- Inflammatory bowel disease, leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune disorders
- Digestive issues including diarrhea stomach ulcers, constipation
- Bacterial infections and respiratory infections
- Inflammation of the lining of the stomach
- Skin conditions such as eczema
- Bloating and water retention
- Dry coughs and colds
Marshmallow Root’s key healing property is the ability to soothe inflammation of the mucous membranes throughout the body. Today, it seems that food allergies and sensitivities are running rampant among the masses. When these sensitivities interfere with normal digestion, a person can experience a wide variety of symptoms which may include:
- Heartburn
- Diarrhea
- Upset stomach
- Constipation
- Chronic Fatigue
The incorporation of mallow helps to form a thick protective coating in the digestive tract. This helps reduce the burning and tame other symptoms of digestive distress.
For the avid gardener, Marshmallow Root makes a wonderful addition to any garden. It has tall stalks topped with a lovely, five-petal white blossom with purple center. Enjoy harvesting for herbal tea! Supplements come in a variety of forms including; powder, tea, extract, ointments, and capsule. While considered safe for most adults and children, please ask your holistic practitioner which preparations of are best for you. Vitality Natural Health and Wellness Centers, Meadville: (814) 720-4825 or Grove City: (724) 458-5522, are available to assist you.
Mars, Brigitte & Chrystle Fiedler. “The Home Reference to Holistic Health & Healing.” (2015) Fair Winds Press: Beverly, MA.
Basch E, Ulbricht C, Hammerness P, Vora M. Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.) monograph. J Herb Pharmacother. 2003;3(3):71-81. Accessed 6 Mar 2018: https://eurekamag.com/research/004/228/004228853.php
HerbWisdom.com “Marshmallow (Althaea)”. Accessed 6 March 2018: https://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-marshmallow.html